Best Photos Sent To Us This Week (23 April 2023)

We want to show our appreciation for our members by featuring some of the best photos that we receive in our group (We Are Nature Group) each week. It is so nice to see people are actually interested and love nature and want to share that with others.

If you want to see last week’s post, CLICK HERE.

# Viksjøen north of Norway

By Celina Røsland

# Sunset

By Christine S. Vitello.

# Tried to take a hike in the mountains to a waterfall today but hit a wall of snow(last picture shows a little bit of the road with a Jeep stuck). Got these photos instead.Will try for the Falls another time!

By Danelle Douglas

# Reed Warbler

By Erica Prothero

# Having a snack

By Hayley Eleanor Amos.

# It is cherry blossom season in Oxford

By Lucie Johnson

# Red Kite

By Martin Agg

# Otter on my local river the River Cynon, South Wales.

By  Matthew James Fox.

# Friendly bird

By Nigel Carl.

# Beautiful bloom

By Rosie Stebbings.

Thanks to all of you who sent us beautiful photos of nature, all around the world. Can’t wait to see what photos you will send us next week. Who knows, maybe you will get a place among the best photos of the week. Share this post with your friends, maybe they want to show us some gorgeous photos of nature as well.

Let us know which photo you liked most, in the comments.